EASIE project purpose is to foster and explore a new pedagogical method within the digital frame of esport to address both objectives of the Digital Action Plan and its priorities.
This approach proposes to increase social inclusion and creativity as well as digital and entrepreneurial competencies by developing a new e-sport-in-education pedagogical methodology. The use of e-sport as a pedagogical method in learning situations related to general adult education and VET educations is innovative and requires cultural changes on an organisational level as well as on a teacher level as their professional and pedagogical competencies would be challenged and therefore in need of continuing professional development.
Together with an advisory board the project and partners will evaluate, validate, and disseminate the project results and make these transferable and scalable to other educational organisations.
We will be focusing on the practical needs of educational organisations when adopting e-sport as a pedagogical tool. It is essential to have the commitment at management level of the organisations involved in the project to secure the organisational strategy, infrastructure etc.
Teachers will learn about – and be trained in e-sport, this to enhance their own digital and professional competencies. If those are developed accordingly the possibility to be able to acknowledge, define and explore the possibilities of using e-sport as a pedagogical strategy and method when teaching youngsters, young adults and games in the adult and VET education sectors are highly increased.
On a student level students will through e-sport gain digital social inclusion, digital competencies and entrepreneurial competencies while being educated in one of the three participating educational organisations.
EASIE seeks to foster a wider openness about project results by inviting organisations to participate in activities during the project.